LPC2378 Information

Here are some small, simple example assembly language programs for the LPC2378.

These illustrate flashing an LED, changing the clock source, setting up and using a timer in polling mode, and using the serial port, including setting up the fractional divider register for getting accurate baud rates with a 12 MHz clock.

The makefile makes it convenient to write the programs to flash using either of two serial download utilites or a jtag connector (with openOCD). The zip file contains a working openOCD configuration file for use with the lpc2378 and the Olimex parallel port JTAG connector (a "wiggler"-style JTAG connector). The zip file also contains a .gdbinit file for use in runnning the GNU debugger (gdb) with openOCD and the JTAG cable.

asm-demos-20081013-1008.zip all together in a zip file. The zip file now also contains the binary versions (e.g. led1.bin) in case you would rather just burn the programs into flash without assembling them yourself.

(If you download preasm.lisp directly rather than downloading the zip file, you may need to make it executable, e.g. chmod +x preasm.lisp)

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