Riscy Pygness has now been ported to the STM32 ARM Cortex M3 and a port for the LPC17xx is under consideration.
The main Riscy Pygness manual also applies to the Cortex versions.
LED blinking example assembly language programs are now available for
Riscy Pygness is a 32-bit multitasking Pygmy Forth for the ARM (and now the ARM Cortex). See http://pygmy.utoh.org/riscy/ for a fuller description.
version released February 21, 2011
version released February 21, 2011
After downloading one of the above into your home directory, create a working directory and uncompress the files there, e.g.,
$ cd # move to your home directory
$ mkdir riscy # make a general riscy directory
$ cd riscy # move to it
$ mkdir cortex # make a cortex directory
$ cd cortex # move to it
$ mkdir stm32 # make a working directory
$ cd stm32 # move to the working directory
$ tar -xjvf ~/riscypygness-stm32-20110218.zip # uncompress the files
the manual applies to the ARM as well as the ARM Cortex versions of Riscy Pygness
(the GNU toolchain to cross assemble for the ARM, Tclkit, lpc21isp). Note, these tools were compiled under Ubuntu 10.04 i386 32-bit. They might work on Ubuntu 10.10 i386 32-bit or under other Linux distributions, possibly even on 64-bit versions if the 32-bit libraries are installed. Please let me know if you run it successfully on any Linux distribution other than 32-bit i386 Ubuntu 10.04.
After downloading above, run
$ md5sum -c arm-toolchain.tar.bz2.md5
to verify the checksum, then
$ sudo tar -xjvf arm-toolchain.tar.bz2 --absolute-names --keep-old-files
to uncompress and install in the standard locations (under /usr/local/
since some of the above is licensed under the GNU GPL, the full source code for the GPL’d files is also available here. You probably do not need to download it unless you wish to compile the tools yourself.
See the latest version of the manual.